In hope that a collaborative Web effort can FINALLY bring justice and resolution to the 2012 murder of Univ. of N. Carolina coed Faith Hedgepeth. [20/20 broadcast] ["Trace Evidence"] (2018 episode)
ALSO, because of the heavy suspicion usually directed toward Karena Rosario, I'll leave a permanent link to this longish "Defense" of Karena that has been offered by a reader:
Saturday, April 13, 2019
April Update
Nothing new, but feel like entering a quick update:
1) There have been several new podcasts focused on Faith's death in the last few months. I haven't been linking to them since they are basically recapitulations that don't add anything new to the several other podcasts I already link to on this blog. I do make mention of them now though just to show that this case, rather than fading, seems to be gaining greater interest in the public eye. I've honestly been surprised at how many different people have now covered it, though part of that is simply the proliferation of unsolved-crime podcasts. There is a wide audience for this genre of podcast, and even if I don't link to them all I'm always happy to see Faith's case kept in front of more eyes and ears!
2) I've said that I hope genetic genealogy will solve this case, and even stated somewhere way back that I thought it would be solved by March of this year. Obviously, that time has come and gone. At the time I made the prediction I believe Parabon NanoLabs may have been working on ~200 or more cases. One factor I failed to take into consideration, is that with every success (and they've had MANY), and increased publicity, more police departments would seek them out to assist on more cases, including very old unsolved cases. I have no idea how many cases have been handed to Parabon by now but it could be closer to 1000, and it takes awhile to sufficiently train additional researchers to conduct this relatively new form of investigation. The bulk of their solutions (though not all) continue to be quite old 10 - 40 year-old crimes, so it's hard to know where a case like Faith's may fall in their priorities -- I still hope it is solved before the 7th anniversary date in September, but just a hope. When these cases do break, they tend to break abruptly, with no public forewarning of the news to come, just suddenly an arrest.