An old quip says: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Is that what the Chapel Hill Police Dept. has in mind when they refuse year-after-year-after-year to comment substantively on (or answer questions about) Faith's brutal death, other than to claim, against all public perception, that it is not a cold case.
Unthinkably, this case, chock-full of evidence and clues has now passed the 8-year mark without solution, and with no sense of a break in the case coming any time soon. How many of Faith’s friends, family, and loved ones, will themselves be deceased by the time any progress is shown in the case; by the time, if ever, her killer is brought to justice? How many are doomed to pass from this Earth with the frustration and emptiness of not knowing what happened to Faith and why? Eight years and counting…. incredible.