
19-year-old University of North Carolina student Faith Hedgepeth was brutally murdered on the morning of Sept. 7, 2012, in an off-campus apt. To this day, despite LOTS of evidence and suspicions, the case remains unsolved. It is my hope that a collaborative Web effort ("hivemind") may accomplish what law enforcement has been unable to do in two long years… solve this vicious, senseless crime. In recent years Web collaboration of 100s, has been the tool allowing many decades-old problems in science to be solved in a matter of months; it can work for solving crimes as well. On behalf of Faith, her friends, and loved ones... let's DO IT!

Here are links to several of the podcasts/sites that have covered the case in recent years (and of course you can google for many more news reports) -- I would caution though that virtually all podcasts and extended treatments of this case (including this blog!) have some facts wrong, and are highly speculative:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np8a4FoGE20 [20/20 broadcast]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz8mBob9aPs ["Trace Evidence"]




https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/tv-shows/breaking-homicide/full-episodes/who-killed-faith (2018 episode)

ALSO, because of the heavy suspicion usually directed toward Karena Rosario, I'll leave a permanent link to this longish "Defense" of Karena that has been offered by a reader:


==> [Finally, I have moved the long introductory material to the bottom so newest posts will now appear closer to the top (but you can click as needed if you want to review, or read for the first time, the basics about this crime).]

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A "Personal" Crime???

From early on, law enforcement has contended that Faith Hedgepeth's murder was a 'personal' crime, and that the public need not feel in danger. Even though this seems likely, the longer this case goes on the more one must wonder about the assessment?  Rage and sexual assault are certainly a part of strangers, as easily as of a person one knows. Even the bag-note left behind at the crime scene looks as much like a hasty, angry, drunken scrawl as it does like a personal message. And after "100s" of DNA samples, not a single match???

So one wonders what else is there to assure the public that there is not a multiple killer at loose? Was it the quick link law enforcement made to Karena's ex-boyfriend that made police think they had a slam-dunk case that would be rapidly wrapped-up? Or is there additional undisclosed evidence that points to a 'personal' crime? 'Personal' or otherwise, anyone capable of committing such a heinous act once, is capable of doing it again, especially if fueled by alcohol or drugs, as may have been the case here.

There IS a killer at loose… in our community or elsewhere. Whether he has, or will, kill again, may be uncertain, but I doubt that his treatment of his lady friends is exactly respectful and endearing. And in all reality, the brutal slaying of Faith Hedgepeth is likely not the one sole crime of this individual's lifetime. He needs to be taken off the streets.


  1. "My own view leans toward there being 2 perpetrators (and perhaps even 3) all coming from the crowd that were at The Thrill on the same night with FDH and her roommate (I have specific reasons and names in mind, but won't pinpoint that for now)."

    Why not share your theory if you're going to have a public website devoted to solving the crime?

  2. Because it's still way too conjectural at this point, based on assumptions/interpretations that could prove wrong, and for now I don't want to lead readers too far down one thought-path, possibly biasing their own approaches. The point of the blog is to gather broad-brush ideas (or details when possible) from different people keying in on different things, and out of all that maybe ultimately arriving at some consensus.
