
19-year-old University of North Carolina student Faith Hedgepeth was brutally murdered on the morning of Sept. 7, 2012, in an off-campus apt. To this day, despite LOTS of evidence and suspicions, the case remains unsolved. It is my hope that a collaborative Web effort ("hivemind") may accomplish what law enforcement has been unable to do in two long years… solve this vicious, senseless crime. In recent years Web collaboration of 100s, has been the tool allowing many decades-old problems in science to be solved in a matter of months; it can work for solving crimes as well. On behalf of Faith, her friends, and loved ones... let's DO IT!

Here are links to several of the podcasts/sites that have covered the case in recent years (and of course you can google for many more news reports) -- I would caution though that virtually all podcasts and extended treatments of this case (including this blog!) have some facts wrong, and are highly speculative:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np8a4FoGE20 [20/20 broadcast]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz8mBob9aPs ["Trace Evidence"]




https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/tv-shows/breaking-homicide/full-episodes/who-killed-faith (2018 episode)

ALSO, because of the heavy suspicion usually directed toward Karena Rosario, I'll leave a permanent link to this longish "Defense" of Karena that has been offered by a reader:


==> [Finally, I have moved the long introductory material to the bottom so newest posts will now appear closer to the top (but you can click as needed if you want to review, or read for the first time, the basics about this crime).]

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Alcohol...

Brandon Edwards wrote an Instagram note on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary (a few weeks back) of Faith's death:


One remark he makes, in reference to their last encounter at The Thrill on the morning of the crime is, "I remember you not drinking because you had a quiz the next day."

Elsewhere it's been noted that it was unusual for alcohol bottles, usually found in the kitchen, to be found in the bedroom of KR's apt. I presume, if Faith did not want to drink at The Thrill because of a quiz the next day (and technically it was illegal for The Thrill to serve her, as she was under-age), then she did not intend to drink still later in the morning at the apt. Thus, I surmise the perp(s) brought the alcohol (found at the crime scene; wine and rum) into the bedroom where she was forced, or felt great pressure, to drink (the autopsy indicating she had some alcohol in her system). Did it start off as a social occasion before spiraling into something completely different, or was it from the outset a purely criminal encounter? And did the perp(s) intend to find KR at the apt. as well, or did they know she had departed, and Faith was alone? (one theory which I don't subscribe to, but also can't entirely discount, is that KR was the original intended target).

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